a high performance proven and renowned RPS fill and shell construction
fine tuned to higher standards achieving further excellence in consistency
and accuracy. High grade perfect round shells containing near impossible
to wipe cheater eliminating bright thick fills for the ultimate in snap shooting
and the high level skill play required for tournaments.
RPS FUSION TECHNOLOGY is simply grade A excellence.
perfect spheres are built to withstand humidity and other elements that can take their toll on paintball performance.
Evil is the paint choice for some of the world’s finest teams.

02706 - Scarlet Red - Ultra Evil Yellow
tournament grade paint. These perfect spheres are built to withstand humidity and
other elements that can take their toll on paintball performance. Evil is the paint
choice for some of the world’s finest teams.

a high performance proven and renowned RPS fill and shell construction
fine tuned to higher standards achieving further excellence in consistency
and accuracy. High grade perfect round shells containing near impossible
to wipe cheater eliminating bright thick fills for the ultimate in snap shooting
and the high level skill play required for tournaments.
RPS FUSION TECHNOLOGY is simply grade A excellence.
spheres are built to withstand humidity and other elements that can take their toll on paintball performance.
Marballizer is the paint of choice for some of the world’s finest teams.

always breaking on target. These perfect spheres are built to withstand humidity
and other elements that can take their toll on paintball performance. Marballizer
is the paint of choice for some of the world’s finest teams.

a high performance proven and renowned RPS fill and shell construction
fine tuned to higher standards achieving further excellence in consistency
and accuracy. High grade perfect round shells containing near impossible
to wipe cheater eliminating bright thick fills for the ultimate in snap shooting
and the high level skill play required for tournaments.
RPS FUSION TECHNOLOGY is simply grade A excellence.
the competition’s tournament paint, but breaks with a non-staining fill that is easy to clean up. Premium rarely
breaks in your marker but is designed to break on impact.

02090 - Orange “El Tigre” - Orange
02086 - Gold/Yellow - Yellow
07761 - Gold/Pink - Pink
Premium flies straighter than the competition’s tournament paint, but breaks with
a non-staining fill that is easy to clean up. Premium rarely breaks in your marker
but is designed to break on impact.

environmentally friendly patent-protected alternative fill. It is based on a natural, food-based vegetable
ingredient that, unlike oil, is friendly to the phreatic and soil water zones, the soil itself,
as well as the field, playing equipment and gear. This ingredient takes easy-clean no-staining to a new level.
It is renewable, neutral with respect to the “greenhouse effect”, neither toxic nor polluting, and biodegrades
faster and completely.
Formula 13™ is a quality ball that will exceed the expectations of every recreational player.

02208 - Orange/Pink - Orange
02235 - Pink/Red - Pink
for local and regional events. Formula 13™ is a quality ball that will exceed
the expectations of every recreational player.

environmentally friendly patent-protected alternative fill. It is based on a natural, food-based vegetable
ingredient that, unlike oil, is friendly to the phreatic and soil water zones, the soil itself,
as well as the field, playing equipment and gear. This ingredient takes easy-clean no-staining to a new level.
It is renewable, neutral with respect to the “greenhouse effect”, neither toxic nor polluting, and biodegrades
faster and completely.
the perfect choice for the paintball newcomer or cost-conscious player. Put these paintballs in your marker and see if the
opposition can withstand the Heat.

02211 - Yellow Fill
02326 - Green Fill
02328 - Pink Fill
Its superb quality and consistent fill makes it the perfect choice for the
paintball newcomer or cost-conscious player. Put these paintballs in your
marker and see if the opposition can withstand the Heat.